Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My life might be boring

What up? Dawg. (I told you I was trying to get this down. Writing for public perusal is a tough thing. You try it.)

I've spent considerable energy today trying to come up with mentally stimulating, exciting or plain old interesting things to blog about and I've had to face some hard truths. Because you must be on the edge of your seat in anticipation of reading what said hard truths are, I'll list them for you.

In no real order whatsoever:

Hard Truth #1: My life isn't that interesting. (Ok, so I lied, that one was the toughest one, and I'll justify this one later)

Hard Truth #2: My boyfriend's hobbies are more exciting than mine. (This one ran close to number one, but was ultimately easier to take then the first.)

Hard Truth #3: My life just isn't that interesting. (I wrote that again because it gets easier to swallow with repetition, it does bear repeating, and lists always seem more interesting when there are more than two things in them.)

Explanation of hard truths:

My life is full. Most days, I am up at eight and out the door shortly there after with a long day spent at the gym, the library, running errands, taking care of kids, etc. etc. I homeschool my 9 year old daughter, which is both an intellectual and spiritual challenge and most days a forcible challenge to my patience. I have a two year old who is energetic and fun but also, a challenge. I work from home (or the library) in between teaching Hannah and taking care of Kylan. I have friends, go on occasional dates with my boyfriend, and spend a considerable amount of time cooking some very cool things.

These things all add up to a, as I mentioned before, very full life. But they aren't that interesting or exciting. The details of my homeschooling efforts might occasionally fall into the realm of amusing but typically, not so much. There are only so many things I can say about my kitchen or what recipe I happen to be experimenting with. I don't want my blog to morph into a cooking blog.

My most time consuming hobby is knitting, which can result in some pretty damn cool items, but pales in comparison when your boyfriend has to wear body armor to participate in his sports. That's right, the boy has to wear a full shield helmet and pads on all extremities in order to safely participate in his sports. Unless I develop some sort of weird tic that leaves me in danger of stabbing myself in the eye with a needle while knitting, I'll never have to wear a full shield helmet while knitting. The closest I get to living dangerously while knitting is trying to knit a sock on four double point needles in the car while Scott is driving. You might not understand just how dangerous that can be unless you've actually ridden in the car while Scott is driving. If you have, you might be questioning my sanity for a) riding in the car with Scott and b) holding sharp, pointy sticks while Scott is driving.

Questions of my sanity aside, I've realized that I'm going to have put some serious thoughts and reflection about blogging topics.

So if you read something you like, do me a favor and give me a nod of some sort. Ok?

Here's Beanie, signing off....

(nope, that one doesn't sound right either)

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