Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Take Two

Hello to all my loyal groupies.

I don't think I actually have groupies, but the idea is nice.

Until you all turn into stalkers, then it would just be scary. But weirdly flattering.

How bout if I just say: "Greetings"

Although that does sound a bit odd and alien-like.

No, I'm not smoking anything! Let's try again:

Hi ya'll.

That one sounds more like me. With a bit of southern twang that I lost a while ago.

Get on it with it already, huh?

So, I know I've tried this blog thing in the past and it was a resounding flop. But, for some strange reason, I feel compelled to try it again. Actually, it's because I just visited somebody's blog and it was super cool. And, my thought is that if someone else can do it then so can I, except when it comes to writing my name in the snow with my own urine. So, I've decided that yes, I too can become a blogger.

Here I am, blogging away. Realizing that my life is not that terribly interesting and asking myself what the hell I'm going to blog (what a weird word) that other people will actually read.

So much for the potential of groupies. Or stalkers, for that matter. Well, that's a relief.

Hmm...my kid just brought a two pound box of raw sugar into my office and began gnawing on it. I think I should probably go see to that.

Now I've got to think of a way to wrap this blog post up. What's the protocol here?

Do we end with XOXOXO?

Although that really isn't me. It would violate my personal space.

How bout: Bye for now?

Talk later?

Or should I just abruptly stop typing?


I'll figure this stuff out better for the next time around.

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